If you need to communicate to a large field force across a wide area with a scalable, easy-to-use system, then MOTOTRBO Linked Capacity Plus is your cost-effective solution.

Leveraging advanced repeater software, it is available in both single-site and wide-area configurations.

Whether crews need to talk to each other in the field or back at the office or they need to use data applications such as text messaging, location tracking or work order tickets, Linked Capacity Plus makes their work safer and their workday more productive.

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  • Higher Capacity
  • Greater coverage
  • Voice and data in one
  • System-wide calling
  • Easy migration

For a full range of accessories call us on +44 (0) 1224 775717



  • Expands coverage to more of your workers, wherever they work, with the push of a button
  • Makes it possible to communicate across a wide area by linking single sites across an IP network
  • Features such as transmit interrupt prioritize important communication exactly when it’s needed, and emergency alerts enable workers to send notifications to a central location
  • Up to five times as much capacity as traditional analogue systems and up to three times as much capacity as analogue trunked radio systems
  • Up to twice as much capacity as a conventional MOTOTRBO digital system
  • Connects up to 15 sites, each of which can support a maximum of 16 trunked (voice/data) paths, plus an additional 8 paths for dedicated data, integrating voice with data applications such as GPS-enabled location services, text messaging, and telemetry on the same system
  • Offers system-wide calling capability to communicate with all personnel at once
  • Supports the MOTOTRBO Repeater Diagnostic and Control (RDAC) utility to help ensure the continuous performance of your system
  • Integrates with existing MOTOTRBO systems via a simple software upgrade